Morning everyone! I've previously blogged about Chirality Polish and am happy to say nothing has changed about how wonderful their polishes are! Like my previous posts, I am including the short stories Amanda, the creator of Chirality Polish, writes for each color. I always think they are a fun read! :D
Unlike my normal posts, I'm going to my review up here because all five colors were across the board in formula. In short they are perfect! They dried quickly, needed no top coat and each color was opaque in 2 coats. Some of the darker colors could have even been one coaters, but I opted for 2 just because. ;)
Absolute Zero is a light blue holographic polish. "It was a mere few hours ago when Kate, a paleontologist, had left her research base in the middle of nowhere in Antarctica only to run into a stranded pilot named Jack, who also deserted his research base several miles away. What happened at their individual bases is a mystery but it didn't matter now. The two had found each other and knew they could be safe with one another. The snowstorm they were in had worsened though and both were frantically trying to keep each other warm while they searched for shelter in the bleak, wintery landscape. They came across a small canyon that housed a small tunnel which they were able to climb into. Their chances of survival were slim, but they were drawn to each other's radiance and warmth too much to care about their mortality."
Asymptote is a green holographic polish. "The city was alive and bustling, even late in the evening. A young woman was walking along, oblivious to the world thanks to the distraction of the music she was listening to on her phone, which she was texting on as well. She looked up briefly only to lock eyes with a young man walking in her direction about 20 feet away. She smiled at him and he smiled back. The man was gorgeous and he could not take his eyes of her, which she quietly became excited about. She couldn't help but feel sexier at the thought. With that and the music flowing through her ears, her confidence began to skyrocket. As they closed in on each other, she could not anticipate the car that drove too close to the massive rain puddle next to her, causing a wave of dirty water to wash over her. She was stunned but that was only second to the embarrassment that came over her as she could see the man turn to walk the other direction, as well as hear his not-so-stifled bouts of laughter over what he had just seen."
Bromine is a light pink/nude holographic polish. "She moved in closer to the mirror in her bathroom, checking under her eyes in her brief moment of being conceited, but she didn't care. It was her 35th birthday this Friday morning, and she had a growing list of things to do before her date tonight with Carl the chemist. He was the rich one. Tomorrow night is her date with Antoine the writer. He was the funny one. Both were equally handsome which she was excited about. She turned to look at tonight's dress she had laid out across the bed. It was a beautiful reddish-brown that clanged to her body tightly which was sure to turn heads. Can I play off wearing this dress two nights in a row, she wondered? Both dates were on opposite sides of the city. Who would know?"

Convergence is a red/plum holographic polish. "Clara sat there at the edge of her hotel bed drifting away into a stream of consciousness. She popped out momentarily to stare out into the city landscape of Atlanta. It was the night of her 10 year high school reunion and her first time back since graduation. She knew only a select group of people had RSVP'd to the event and nearly all of them were the same people who constantly made fun of her. Fat Clara they called. Oh, how original. Now, 10 years later, nearly 80 pounds had disappeared. So did the outdated haircut and her poor choice of clothes. She looked up at the mirror hanging over the hotel desk and wondered if her new transformation would turn heads tonight. Those same heads that ridiculed her all four years. Clara decided that she was ready to face her fate straight on and as she tucked away the sharpened brass knuckles into her purse, she hoped that those former classmates were ready to face their own."

Quarks is a deep purple-blue holographic polish. "It was late in the evening and the city street was deserted. She carefully made her way up to the car. It was sleek and the prettiest one in the neighborhood, which made her chuckle when she realized there was no alarm on the car when she broke into it. It was the first kind of laughter she could muster up these past few days since he left. As she made her way across the city to deliver the car to the shop, she sat there thinking about him some more. There's something about him. It's hard to explain. She stopped the car near one of the few remaining pay phones left in town. The first rule is to never have a hot car out in the open and standing still for too long, but she didn't care. She needed to call him to tell him how she felt. She wanted to pick him up and drive through the night, down the hills. She picked up the phone and dialed the number and it rang. The ringing lasted for what seemed like hours and then he picked up..."
Purchase Chirality Polish on Big Cartel or Etsy. Make sure to follow Chirality Polish on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to see what great colors they are whipping up next!