
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blogiversary Giveaway #1 Winner

Sorry for not staying up till midnight to post this! >_< Sleep got the best of me! :P Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that entered and everyone that I met, connected with and just talked to in this past year of blogging. I never thought this is something I would stick with for an entire year, but now I never want to stop! I have met some amazing people through blogging and have had ups and downs throughout. I'm glad to say to me it's been a fun ride and here's to another year of blogging! Ok enough with the sappy post! The winner of my first blogiversary giveaway is: 

Tanya Gom.

I have emailed the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond to me or a new winner will be selected in their place. 

Again thank you to all my readers! I still have more giveaways planned for this month, so stick around!