
Monday, July 29, 2013

Rain City Lacquer Reviews & Swatches

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend! :) I had planned on doing 2 posts over the weekend, but my son decided to revert to his lovely sleep schedule and I was too much of a zombie to focus on doing an extra post. >_< Sorry!

I have a new brand to share with you today though- Rain City Lacquer! Rica, the creative mind behind Rain City Lacquer, based her polishes off Seattle, WA (if you didn't already guess that from the brand's name :P). 

Caramel Lac-uccino is a mix of caramel and dark coffee colored glitter in a sheer, shimmery nude base. All nails are 3 coats with top coat.
I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but this polish looks good enough to drink! And the formula was great! It dried quickly and there was no need for fishing out any glitter. I'm an avid thin coater, so I think if you used a little thicker coats you could get away with 2 coats to become almost opaque. Of course the other option is to layer it over another, which you can do most of Rain City's polishes. :)
Market Bouquet contains a mixture of neon glitters and fine holo glitters in a sheer pink, shimmering base. Shown is 2 coats of Market Bouquet over 2 coats of Studio M. Thunderbolt with top coat. 
Market Bouquet definitely reminds me of bouquet of flowers. :) All the glitters go together perfectly and the the larger ones really make a nice pop. Formula was problem free and I had no problem getting out any of the larger or shaped glitters. 
Mint Rainier has a shimmery mint green base with aqua and periwinkle glitters. Here is 3 coats with top coat.
Eeep this is a beautiful, mermaid-esque polish! I know the inspiration for this polish was Mount Rainier, but I think it has some mermaid qualities about it too. ;) Again a perfect formula and similar to Caramel Lac-uccino, I think you could get away with 2 thicker coats if you don't want to do 3 thin ones like I did. :)
Pink Rain contains a mixture of iridescent peach, matte pink, and neon pink glitter in a clear base. All nails are 3 coats of New York Summer Hot Sky Blue with 2 coats of Pink Rain with top coat.
If only it really rained glitter! :P While this polish is a somewhat simple mix, I think it's still something nice and fun with you are looking to kick up a basic polish. Formula was a little thicker than all the other, though still easy to work with and no need for fishing.
Pretty Purple Rain Boots is described as a deep purple shimmering lacquer loaded with fine purple glitter and purple holographic glitter. This is 1 coat of Pretty Purple Rain over 2 coats of Illamasqua Collide with top coat.
I think I need some pretty purple rain boots, especially if they look like this! :P As with all of these polishes, application was a breeze! :)

You can purchase Rain City Lacquer through her BigCartel storefront. Full size bottles are $10 and minis are $5 (Caramel Lac-uccion is only available in full size). Follow Rain City Lacquer on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.