
Monday, August 26, 2013

Random Giveaway!

Happy Monday! I'm going to try to do a different post later on today. My computer has decided once again it is not my friend, so I'm having to use the husband's computer, which is hard for me to work on because it puts me out of my element. :P And that also means the week's worth of swatches I did a few days ago aren't at my fingertips currently. >_< They should be safe though when my computer is repaired. *crosses fingers* So to buy me some time till I have my other post complete, I thought I would run a random giveaway! :)
Everything will be done via Rafflecopter. There will be 1 winner and this IS open internationally! This giveaway will end September 4th at 9:00 PM PST. The winner will be announced here and on Facebook. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to me or a new winner will be chosen in their place.I am not responsible for lost/damaged deliveries. All products are new and unused.
If you cannot enter using Rafflecopter please leave me a comment and/or email with your information and I can enter it manually for you. You can also try using this link to enter if Rafflecopter is not appearing.
Good luck!!