
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Elevation Polish Echinops, Epidote, Sample HBY #5 & The Med

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday! I plan on doing 2 posts to day to make up for it. ;) First up let's start off with a few recent purchases I've made from Elevation polish. :)

Echinops is described as a soft Lavender/bluple creme base with medium/low density holographic pigment. Shown is 3 coats with top coat.
 The holo in this polish is pretty low in my opinion, but I like the over all color so it works out well. :)
Epidote is an olive/moss green holographic polish. All nails are 2 coats with top coat.
 I say this in the nicest way, but this is one of those ugly-pretty colors. :P I really love it, though I could see why this color may not be everyone's cup of tea. ;)
Sample HBY #5 is Pic du Gar with multi colored shimmer.  Here is 2 coats with top coat. 
My camera didn't want to pick up the red undertones this polish has to offer. :( You can see the true color in the listing for Pic du Gar. I actually didn't realize this sample was Pic du Gar with shimmer..until writing this post, luckily I don't own it. ;) My mind sees sample, one of kind, only X number made, etc. and somehow actual reading goes out the door and MUST BUY enters my head. :P
The Med contains blue and green shimmers in a bright blue base. All nails are 3 coats with top coat.
The Med is amazing! I really hope Lulu brings this back as a permanent color because everyone needs it! I feel a little guilty about owning this polish because Atlcatsmeow was able to snag it for me and this color just screams her. Luckily, I was able to grab her Sample HBY #9 during the last restock and I hope she loves it. :) If you are wondering how the 2 polishes compare, I included a side by side shot at the end of this post.
Unfortunately Sample HBY #5 and The Med were samples/small batch prototypes, so they aren't something that will be stock again in Elevation Polish's BigCartel store.  :( However Echinops and Epidote will be something restocked during Elevation Polish's normal restock times; the 7th (at 9 PM CST) or 22nd (at 9 AM CST) of every month. :) For more information about restocks and new colors visit Lulu's blog