
Monday, September 23, 2013

LONDONTOWN Lakur Guarded Jewel and Thames From the Eye Reviews & Swatches

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. I know I did because I was able to finally sit down and knock out a ton of swatches! :) 
For today's post I have a new to me brand to share- LONDONTOWN Lakur. Before jumping into the swatches I wanted to share a little bit about what really sets this brand apart from other brands currently on the market. All of their nail polish and treatment products are vegan, gluten-free and cruelty-free and "5 free" meaning they do not contain formaldehyde, toulene, DBP, formaldehyde resin or camphor! I will mention now, they are a little on the pricier side, but I know plenty of people out there who do not mind paying more for products that support their lifestyle. :)

Guarded Jewel is described as an oxblood red. Shown is 2 coats with top coat.
Formula was perfection! I know a lot of times people hear a product is lacking an ingredient or is vegan and assume that it will take a toll on the formula or application, but that is not the case with these polishes! :)The color is a beautiful shade and I don't think I have anything like it in my collection.   
Thames From the Eye is a dusty blue-green creme. All nails are 2 coats with top coat.
Like Guarded Jewel, the formula was a breeze to work with. The color is very unique, I think, and while my one camera wasn't able to capture it in it's true "dusty" form, the camera I use for close ups was. :)
I know this seems like something silly to mention, but I felt it was worth mentioning because I like products that have small touches that show the company thinks about even the little things. For both of the polishes I received to review the boxes (I assume all the other colors offered do as well) have the name lakur in the shade of the polish inside. If you happen to keep your boxes and forget what name belongs to what shade, they are easy to figure out. :)

Purchase all of the shades and products LONDONTWON has to offer through their website and in store at select retailers. Make sure to follow LONDONTOWN on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Tumblr. Stay tuned as I'll be reviewing some of the treatments they have to offer in the coming weeks. :)